Here, at last, is the schedule for January!
As always, if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to reach out. (And if you spot any errors, please don’t hesitate to blame my secretary. She is extremely disorganized!)
Tuesday, January 7th at 11:00 am est: Q & A with Dinty W. Moore, Editor-in-Chief of Brevity
For more than two decades, Brevity: A Journal of Concise Literary Nonfiction has published well-known and emerging writers working in the brief essay form, along with craft essays and book reviews. Though still committed to the mission of publishing new and emerging writers, Brevity has been fortunate over the years to include the work of Pulitzer prize winners, NEA fellows, Pushcart winners, Best American authors, and writers from India, Egypt, Ireland, Spain, Malaysia, The Netherlands, and Japan.
This interview is open for all to attend and ask questions. It will be recorded and the video will be sent to all.
Friday January 10th at 2:00 pm est: “Do’s & Don’t’s of Working With Editors”
A panel discussion with Jenn Scheck-Kahn, Founder of Journal of the Month; Benjamin Davis, Co-Founder of Chill Subs; and Erik Harper Klass, Founder of Submitit
In this panel our guests will discuss what writers should expect when having their work edited at a lit mag. How can writers get the most out of the revision process? How can we work with editors to address cross-cultural issues that arise when editing a work? When and how should writers push back on editorial suggestions? What is the nature of the editor-writer relationship generally?
Jenn, Founder of Journal of the Month; Ben, Co-Founder of Chill Subs; and Erik, Founder of Submitit, will answer questions and share insights from their own experiences on both sides of the desk. Writers in all genres as well as editors are welcome to attend.
This panel discussion is open to paying subscribers of Lit Mag News only. It will be recorded. The recording will be made available to paying subscribers.
You will find the registration link at the bottom of this page.
Wednesday, January 15th at 2:30 pm est: Lit Mag Chat with Becky
Confused about the lit mag submissions process? Don’t know what to make of a strange missive from an editor? Wondering where to send your latest lyric-essay-prose-poem-racecar-hermit-crab-pony hybrid? Come on out!
Most of you know the drill by now. This is a free-wheeling, fun-time space to chat all things lit mag. We will talk/gripe/gossip/laugh/trade useful info and laugh some more. As always, the space will be a supportive environment for writers at all stages of publishing, in all genres.
This particular meeting is one day after my birthday, so you can expect me to be infinitely wiser than in meetings past. An event not to be missed!
Lit Mag Chats are for paying subscribers only.
Due to the candid/wild/unpredictable/highly classified nature of these sessions, they are not recorded.
You will find the registration link at the bottom of this page.
Tuesday, January 28th at 2:30 pm est: Lit Mag Reading Club discussion of Hunger Mountain
For our Reading Club selection this month, we will be reading issue #30 of Hunger Mountain. This issue is free, online, and you can access it here.
Hunger Mountain is created by the faculty and students in the Writing Program at Vermont College of Fine Arts.
The editors share VCFA’s belief that the arts are central to the human experience and have the ability not only to reflect reality but also to create it. Our masthead changes annually, and our revolving list of faculty editors and contest judges reach into their diverse literary communities to help make them part of ours. This allows for aesthetic flexibility, guided by our steady ethics: promoting voices that have gone unheard, expanding our representation and scope,and critically examining our contemporary culture and our field.
We value vulnerability, adventure, and accessibility. Our student readers are the future of the literary world, and all of us take great pride in discovering new voices, as well as publishing the freshest work from established artists.
In this chat we will discuss what we loved, what intrigued us, what baffled us, what inspired us, what bored us, what fascinated us, and all the rest.
This is part of our Lit Mag Reading Club, which is available to paying subscribers only. Anyone can join the Reading Club any time. Writers with all levels of experience and in all genres are welcome.
You can learn more about The Lit Mag Reading Club here.
Our monthly lit mag discussions are not recorded. Registration link is at the bottom of this page.
Thursday, January 30th at 2:30 pm est: Q & A with Adam McOmber, Chachi Hauser, Myrth Killingsworth, Montserrat Carty, Jamie Li & Nance Van Winckel, Editors of Hunger Mountain
In this session we will get to pick the editors’ brains about the decisions that went into issue #30 of Hunger Mountain. We will talk about particular works that drew us in as well as learn more about the magazine’s mission, editorial process and history.
This session is for paying subscribers only. It will be recorded. The recording will be made available to paying subscribers.
Registration link is below.
And that’s it!
I hope to see you soon, dear friends.