Should you re-submit a piece that's been rejected, if you've revised it?
"Can I resubmit these stories to the magazines that gave me good feedback or is that a big no-no?"
Welcome to our weekend conversation!
A question came from a reader. M. writes:
You recently published a survey about whether it was right for people to submit previously published work.
What about re-submitting (to the same magazine) a story that was once rejected, but parts of which have since been pretty extensively re-written? How much time should you let go by before re-submitting? Should you mention that you are re-submitting a previously read story?
I can give a specific example. I have two stories that have received a lot of personalized feedback with their rejections from some very highly-tiered magazines. Both of them have also been listed for awards, but neither has landed an offer of publication yet. I have reworked the sections that I felt were problematic pretty extensively and quite some time has passed (a year, sometimes two). Can I resubmit these stories to the magazines that gave me good feedback or is that a big no-no?
A good question and one I hear a lot, so let’s dive in.