Hi, Gary! A "major poetry publisher asks you to pay for a Zoom reading"? Wow. The cost of a single Zoom reading is so low I wouldn't know how to calculate it. (For my law practice, I have one of the yearly paid accounts, and it's not much at all.) For a publisher, it would be one of those cost-of-doing-business expenses--not to be passed on to the writer. You have to wonder....
Hi, Gary! A "major poetry publisher asks you to pay for a Zoom reading"? Wow. The cost of a single Zoom reading is so low I wouldn't know how to calculate it. (For my law practice, I have one of the yearly paid accounts, and it's not much at all.) For a publisher, it would be one of those cost-of-doing-business expenses--not to be passed on to the writer. You have to wonder....
Hi, Gary! A "major poetry publisher asks you to pay for a Zoom reading"? Wow. The cost of a single Zoom reading is so low I wouldn't know how to calculate it. (For my law practice, I have one of the yearly paid accounts, and it's not much at all.) For a publisher, it would be one of those cost-of-doing-business expenses--not to be passed on to the writer. You have to wonder....