Chiming in here a bit late as someone from a younger generation who's also an editor and submitter: as others have said, I'm not sure what we can expect of journals seeing as they're often run by overworked volunteer staff and rarely well-funded. It's a testament to people running journals that they're doing that in the first place. If t…
Chiming in here a bit late as someone from a younger generation who's also an editor and submitter: as others have said, I'm not sure what we can expect of journals seeing as they're often run by overworked volunteer staff and rarely well-funded. It's a testament to people running journals that they're doing that in the first place. If they're charging submission fees, maybe then we can expect promotion/publicity and/or payment; if it's free to submit, I don't think we can expect anything. Many editors do this because we want to build literary community. I definitely try to promote contributors' work on social media, and ideally contributors read each other's work and share it, too. Yes, I want my work to be read widely. Yes, I submit to bigger journals in the hopes of payment, prestige, and publicity. I'm active on social media promoting my own work and others. But ideally it's about community and care, not about the reach a particular piece gets.
Chiming in here a bit late as someone from a younger generation who's also an editor and submitter: as others have said, I'm not sure what we can expect of journals seeing as they're often run by overworked volunteer staff and rarely well-funded. It's a testament to people running journals that they're doing that in the first place. If they're charging submission fees, maybe then we can expect promotion/publicity and/or payment; if it's free to submit, I don't think we can expect anything. Many editors do this because we want to build literary community. I definitely try to promote contributors' work on social media, and ideally contributors read each other's work and share it, too. Yes, I want my work to be read widely. Yes, I submit to bigger journals in the hopes of payment, prestige, and publicity. I'm active on social media promoting my own work and others. But ideally it's about community and care, not about the reach a particular piece gets.
Amen, Bro!