Another one to add is Hags on Fire. I think they are pretty new.

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Hags on Fire? Seriously?

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Here's another: Bloom - https://bloomsite.wordpress.com/about/

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Ah thank you!

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Becky, Thank you so much. I know of Persimmon Tree, but didn't know of the others. Yes, we "elders" are telling important stories...still. Some of us are experiencing a second career as writers, and want to see ourselves in print. Thank you for this list. You're the best.

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Ageless Authors seems to be defunct. The website no longer exists as of 3/4/23.

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Annual Crone Power issue: https://www.gyroscopereview.com/welcome/guidelines/

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I'm the managing editor at Survivor Lit (www.survivorlit.org) and we are of course open to writers over 50. You must by a survivor of sexual assault to submit. Poetry, essays anytime, but please pitch for reviews or interviews/articles. julia@survivorlit.org Find us on social media T/FB/IG @survivorlit

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Bless your heart, Becky! A few years ago you directed me to Persimmon Tree, and those folks have published two of my stories. Thank you do much for these new possibilities. Barbara McGillicuddy Bolton

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Wonderful, Barbara! Glad to help!

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Thanks so much for this! Often I have felt that my style and content was at odds with those of younger writers. I certainly experience something of a disconnect with writers of different, newer generations. This list is very welcome.

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Denise, yes, I've heard many older writers express a similar sentiment. I'm so glad this list helps!

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This list of Magz for older people is incredible. I didn't even know that such journals existed. I live in Flordia and they would do quite well here. Great job listing and describing them. Even grapes must be aged to become wine. I'm looking forward to checking them out. RonT

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Thanks! I'm so glad this is helpful! (PS We miss you, Dad.)

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This is so fantastic! No one ever mentioned that these exist. I am almost 76 but my poetry is better than it has been and I am completing my memoir, "Rabbi, Your Cleavage is Showing".

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Becky--The Ageless Authors link is kaput. There's a 404 page.

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Thanks for this! Knew about a few, but not Ageless Authors...but couldn't connect to their site in a variety of ways.

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Carol, yes, it appears that site is no longer active.

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Bloom, Boomer Lit, Boomspeak, Instant Noodles (40+). Every mag SHOULD welcome and consider work by people of advanced maturity and experience, but it helps to show editors you "get it" by including references to protagonists' angst over MFA homework and inclination to conduct all conversations by smartphone, usually via text. Have you noticed how so many streaming TV shows and contemporary movies now feature near-constant interaction via smartphone? My neck is getting sore from all the head-shaking I do when watching. What ... is ... the ... world ... coming to?

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There are no open calls for submissions to Ageless Authors at this time.

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As an old guy, I'm a little disappointed that "Identity Politics" has entered into the realm of our aging group.

Males are excluded from a number of publications. Why? I write from a male and female perspective. We're really not that different despite the French vive la difference going back forever. Paul S.

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Does anyone know of a literary magazine that highlights through poetry, prose, etc., the experience of dementia?

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Sue, you might look at places like Bellevue Literary Review and Able Muse. They are not age-specific but they focus on healing, illness and the body.

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Thank you so much. :-)

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