Jan 5, 2023Liked by Becky Tuch

Thank you so much for including Clinch!

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Jan 5, 2023Liked by Becky Tuch

Pangyrus Lit Mag is going strong at 9 years old and we'd love to see your work! pangyrus.com

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Don't forget about Written Tales Magazine, https://writtentales.substack.com

Shameless plug :)

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Jan 5, 2023Liked by Becky Tuch

Hi Becky!

Very helpful article--thanks! Just to let you know, our new journal RockPaperPoem, went live in Dec. 2021. So we didn't make this 2022 list...but we were close. We'd love to be added to anyone's list as a no-fee, triannual online journal looking for the best of whatever our contributors send us...and we nominate for Best of the Net.

Thanks much!

Alan Perry

Co-Managing Editor


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Thanks for including SugarSugarSalt and for compiling this list.

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Interesting write-up about the trend toward specialization in literary magazines. I will have to look into a few of these.

For anyone looking for a journal with an a general interest in literary fiction, Song of the Broad-Axe Publications recently published the winners of our short story contest in our January 1st volume of The Rialto Books Review. We will be holding similar contests in 2023.


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I may make having Alice Says Go Fuck Yourself on your resumé required to be published if we ever revive Thrice Fiction again.

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Publisher Kimberly Gladman and I (serving as editor) have put out the first 6 volumes of Tandeta Journal in 2022. Tandeta is a Polish word that means "trash," but we've adopted it in the spirit of "One person's trash is another person's treasure." While we're taking a break to finish initial drafts of our novels, we will come back to it in some way shortly. In the meantime, we would love it if someone other than our close friends and relations would would take a look and enjoy some of the prose, poems, and art that we've tossed into the ether for all to see! https://www.tandetabooks.com/

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Thanks, Becky, for this fun list of Brand New Literary Magazines! Excellent! Oh, and btw, Happy New Year!

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I assume some of those are parodies. Well-done to the authors.

My favorite line was probably “fiction and poetry and maybe some other kinds of stuff.”

Special mention for requesting poems with “melody usually generated by similarity of sounds” — that’s actually the opposite of melody, isn’t it?

Also noteworthy, in the Dept. of Weird Metaphors: “stories that are complete, yet seem unfinished. The endings hang and dangle off the final page like a pendulum seeking answers.” I imagine we’ve all written some of those.

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Baby lit mag here! The Phantom Folio www.thephantomfolio.wordpress.com

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Hey I just discovered Lit Mag News and have been loving it. I am the founder and editor in chief of a new literary magazine in London - Battersea Anthology. It is a lit mag sponsored by the local government. Can I get a shout out on here or your next post, please? We are launching our first issue on November 15th, but we are partnering with other organisations to support under-represented writers going forward with workshops, lectures and prizes. Hope to reach more people as we grow :)

This is us: https://www.thebatterseaanthology.co.uk/

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table//FEAST Literary Magazine is a modest paying, annual online lit mag that has a social justice bend to it. We are not a food magazine. But we are tied to food in a way. We are about stories that have been shared throughout time that have transformed through modern details. Maybe some new ones, too. We are a meager market for new stories and poems. We do not have fees. Yet. When we do contests and contributor pay outs, we match a percent of the winnings and donate it to a charity or nonprofit somehow tied to food or nourishment.

More can be found via our website & IG via



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Compass Rose Literary ( https://www.compassroseliterary.com/ ) and Wrong Turn Lit ( https://wrongturnlit.substack.com/ ) are new and welcoming.

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trash to treasure lit launched in 2022!


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