Nope. I'm not going to say what a refreshing hilarious piece this is. And since I probably can't find a dancing turkey, I won't send that either. And won't admit to any giggles either.

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Happy Thanksgiving! 😆

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Hi Becky,

I'll do straight up sappy here because I was smiling all throughout this newsletter. :)

Thank you for being you. I talk about you behind your back all the time and say what a refreshingly honest, no-BS, kind, and thoughtful/thought-provoking voice you are in the literary community.

I wonder how many hours you have in a day and marvel at the depth of your reading. I appreciate how you make space for listening and you echo the listening so that we can listen, too. I am struck, again and again, by how generous you are in creating platforms and how kind and welcoming the spaces you create.

I have yet to join one of the real-time workshops/Q&As, but I plan to soon, mostly for the "vibe".

Thank you for being you in such a brilliant way.

With gratitude, Signed: Newcomer.

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you are such serious fun! seriously! ruth moose

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Thank you!

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Cute! Especially the dancing, naked turkey! 😀 Happy Thanksgiving 🍁

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