In addition to Authors Publish and Chill Subs, I use the Discover function on Submittable and the Search function on Duotrope (much better than Submittable). I also subscribe to several newsletters, including New Pages https://www.newpages.com/classifieds . If you have a State or National Writers Centre, they usually publish opportunities in the newsletters. FB has a few useful writer pages, including International Flash Fiction Network https://www.facebook.com/groups/28291339826

What's needed is some tech genius to pull these sources together (including https://www.brechtdepoortere.com/rankings) into a more coherent, user-friendly platform. Such a platform could include (sorry, Becky, my hobby-horse has escaped again) the ability for writers to rate publishers on various measures.

Re targeting potential publishers for your work, it's taken me two years and hundreds of submissions to get my acceptance rate up to around 10% but it can be done.

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Gadzooks! I can't imagine how much time this took to compile. So huge thanks to the creator and to Becky for posting it.

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I love the idea of bringing writers together for conversations!

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I pay for a Duotrope subscription and get their weekly newsletter, which is a good source of journals open for submission, as well as for themed calls, which work well for me as motivators to submit. I get tips from Twitter, sometimes check submittable, P&W, CLMP newsletters, now Chill Subs, amazingness that it its, and I also keep a list of possible journals organized by the kind of work I might send, and then check them for open calls.

Becky, this Community & Conversations is a great idea!

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Love the idea of Community & Conversations!

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Wow, Becky, this is an extraordinary list! Thanks so much for sharing.

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Great idea!

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In addition to the sites all mentioned here in this discussion, there is also Community of Literary Magazines and Presses https://www.clmp.org.

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Thanks for starting this conversation, Becky. Submissions are tiresome and rejections depressing and demoralizing. While I'd prefer to spend my time on creative endeavors, as we all know, time and energy must be allowed for the submission process. For me, it's Author's Publish, Submittable and Poets & Writers database and don't forget to check out their classified listings as well.

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Yes please to Community & Conversations!!

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Duotrope, Submittable, journal mailing lists, Poets & Writers, CLMP, and poet friends!

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Threepenny Review, one of the best lit mags around, is #466 on his list. 😁

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Thanks for all that you do, Becky! Re: other great resources for places to submit, I subscribe to Authors Publish submissions listings (https://authorspublish.com/) and regularly visit chillsubs.com (which now also has a fledgling newsletter). I know you've mentioned them here before, and I'm seconding the recommendation.

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Yes, those are both such useful sites.

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Thanks so much for sharing! Given the time- consuming marketing that the last 18 mos. and now upcoming months. have involved/will involve, I tend to explore opportunities that appear in my email via blogs - especially. Trish Hopkinson, or lit mags that colleagues have appeared in that seem to be a possible good match. I'll definitely add this new database!

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Yes, Trish Hopkinson is a great resource.


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Nice list thanks

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I love rankings of lit mags, but something is seriously wrong when a mag called Taco Bell Review is ranked higher than the Sewanee Review.

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Haha. Taco Bell Quarterly. Sort of a new mag. I think they were founded on being the "anti-Paris-Review." Clearly a sentiment that resonates with many!

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The anti-Paris Review. I love it!

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Wow! This is fabulous and exciting (shared database and your idea). My weekends are usually busy Saturday morning through about Sunday noon (Pacific time) so I will aim to weigh in on my Sunday afternoons if I can’t get 5here before. Looking forward to it!

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Some where I find writing market listings:

Poets & Writers magazine www.pw.org Calls for submissions in various categories are listed in the classified section in the back of the print magazine and online at www.pw.org/classifieds online. There is also a searchable database to literary magazines online at http://www.pw.org/literary_magazines

The Writer www.writermag.com — Various submission and other categories (agents, writing conferences, etc.) are listed in the POSTSCRIPT section in back of print magazine as a special feature each month. The magazine also often carries articles such as “Where to Submit your Short Stories.” List of writing contests are online at https://www.writermag.com/contests/  You can also sign up for e-mail subscription of alerts to new contests. 

Funds for Writers  www.fundsforwriters.com by C. Hope Clark. A great source for finding new and always paying markets plus the editor always writes a letter of advice and includes articles from others which are almost always motivating and useful. You can subscribe to the free email (recommended) which arrives every Friday https://fundsforwriters.com/newsletters/ or just search the website.

Writers Weekly  http://writersweekly.com by Angela Hoy . Carries a list of paying markets on its website. 

Chill Subs https://chillsubs.com New to me (thanks responses here on Lit Mag News! THANK YOU!) Amazing list of literary magazines that is browsable and searchable and other info plus sign up for free e-mail newsletter and follow on Twitter @chillsubs.

The Practicing Writer 2.0: A Newsletter from Erika Drefus erikadreifus.substack.com Sign up for a monthly email newsletter that contains writing contests and other opportunities and a submission alerts section (paying markets only).

 Also: FACEBOOK PRIVATE GROUPS If you are on Facebook search for various private groups in your writing category. Many of these begin with the word “Binders” (ex. “Binders Full of Fiction Writers” and “Binders of Ideas on Where to Pitch”) so try that in your search. Editors are often also members and will pitch needs and give you special attention if you mention you are in the binder group.

Happy writing and submitting!

All best,

Kathye Fetsko Petrie


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