There are several odd things about the Elliott interview on Hobart Pulp. One is that the interviewer says straightforwardly that she did no research about Elliott or any of the complex circumstances she is asking him about. Another is that several images Hobart runs with the interview are screenshots obviously there purely for the purpose of mocking Moira Donegan. Finally, the piece includes gratuitous insults and potshots at many writers and editors, and they're given no opportunity to respond.

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It didn’t take many rejections for me to understand that some magazines just don’t publish the sort of story that I write. For that reason, I don’t waste my time, or theirs, submitting to them anymore.

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Some magazines will never be a "good fit" - - through no fault of your writing - - and the coded language on a rejection lets you know where you stand with these editors.

Rejection letters free writers to explore other zines - - literary "homesteads" that are ready to love, welcome, and appreciate your writing.

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ugh-plus-hell-yes for this one, Becky, thank you !!!

just opened a Rejection today from APR (image-capture of said Rejection NOT attached)...

just want to say how grateful I am for the LIT MAG NEWS relevant takes/supportive insouciance and overall exposure to viewpoints I would not find anywhere else... #ThankYou J.

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The Derek Owusu piece feels strangely self-pitying to me. Hard to sympathize with a guy who gets named one of Britain’s 20 hot new writers and then complains people aren’t talking about him enough.

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Heavy stuff from Stephen Elliot. Great content. thanks Becky!

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Aug 22, 2023
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How to promote a new lit mag on a micro budget:

(a.) use your own curated mailing list (+ combined email list from the editorial team) in creative ways;

(b.) offer downloadable freebies, i.e., an attractive Broadside;

(c.) ask a local bookshop to give you a reading from Issue #1 (can be in-person & also Zoom);

(d.) 🎁offer 1 pro bono ad to contributors with a new poetry book in exchange for the use of their mailing list and social media participation;

(e.) extend meaningful opportunities to poets & awareness of your lit mag will spread fast.

🎁 Good luck, Shannan Mann. 🎁

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