That was a fascinating conversation. I also want to thank you for doing what you do!

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I enjoyed learning about this magazine. It's an interesting concept. At first, I was a little put off about "your opinions on unread books" but in all honesty, the majority of people can't help but know of books such as Fifty Shades of Grey due to the movie.

In this instance, I found the movie much more appealing than the book.

Anyway, it's easy to form opinions about novels that we hear about, especially when they're blown up on social media. Thanks for introducing people to this fascinating journal.

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You say that "not reading a book has never prevented me from having an opinion about it. i hope you are kidding. You may not be. There are currently more than a few publishing critics who have this repulsive and narcissictic attitude.You put yourself and your own ego above the sweat,blood, faith and diligence of the writer trying to t ell her or his story. Do yo not realize how corrupt an act this is?

I have many criticisms of the leader, CHAIRPERSON MAO TSE TANG, But he had one piece of very useful device when it came to knownonthing shooting their mouths off NO INVESTIGATIION, NO RIGHT TO SPEAK.

Maybe next time you can simply be quiet and try to learn something about the book. Frankly, from all the fine, intelligent things ive read by you , Im shocked and disappointed. TBC,

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