Thanks, especially, for the Creative Nonfiction info, and look forward to hearing more, if poss. I hope they sought things out.

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I hope circumstances calm down at Creative Nonfiction.

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I'm embarrassed to admit that I only discovered Creative Nonfiction recently (I'm sometimes slow to add journals to my algorithm that don't (also) publish fiction). I was blown away by the quality of its work. I wonder what happened. I hope the journal recovers (with no loss in quality).

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I greatly appreciate the head's up about Creative Nonfiction, as I was wondering why they shut down their current calls for submissions. In a similar vein, have folks seen today's emailed announcement from Hippocampus?

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I got the notice from HippoCampus. I am hoping the HippoCamp conference being on hiatus “indefinitely” means just “we’ll be back but don’t know when yet” 🤞

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I always enjoy your imaginative closings to your newsletters. This latest one is particularly delightful.

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Stuart, Clifford Garstang was the other source. cliffordgarstang.com. He ranks literary magazines for poetry according to how many Pushcart prizes and nominations they have received.

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Sad loss, great writer. Sorry to hear of his passing.

Just wanted to say "thank you" for what you do. It's a sweeping overview of the lit-mag marketplace, rich on news, helpful in advice, deep in marketplace opportunities. You rock. Hope you don't mind if I share the newsletter with my wife, also a writer trying to launch her own shiny rocket.

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Also love and respect Russell Banks, and am sad to hear of his passing.

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RIP Russell Banks!

I have a question. Somewhere I saw a discussion on submitting that mentioned Duotrope and one other source whose name I can't remember. Except as Garlingo, which is wrong. I might have seen this discussion somewhere other than on Lit Mag News, but if it rings a bell . . .

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Not sure which discussion, but happy to share props for sources I value. Duotrope (subscription, $5 a month) is great resource. You can get their newsletter, with new oppies. Or go to their site and do a search for markets that might fit your epic creative effort. Another list I like -- and have found several publication acceptances through -- is the Short List, compiled by Portlander D.L. Shirey. It organizes publishers by the maximum word count they will accept. It's just one of many filters publishers apply. In any case, it may show you pubs you have never heard of, or those who don't play with Submittable or Duotrope. Any source in a storm, right?

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Thanks, Stuart. The source turned out to be Emily Harstone and the name I forgot I have forgotten again, but it did begin with "Gar" - Thanks for the Short List

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