Thanks for keeping us informed, Becky, and for insight into the lengthy lawsuits behind "Bad Art Friend."

RE: lawsuits - -

Years ago, an artist friend won an $850,000 judgment after she was injured in a Staten Island Ferry Crash - - however, the newspaper coverage attracted a female neighbor who obsessively stalked her for 3 years. Unfortunately, the stalker was an employee of a top law firm in Manhattan, who represented her pro bono. In contrast, the artist - - who did absolutely nothing to bring havoc into her life in the form of mysterious unsigned letters shoved under her door, her WiFi connection being breached, her emails tapped, unwanted creepy gifts, etc. - - was forced to pay her lawyers out-of-pocket for several years.

In the end, a Manhattan judge dismissed the case as "a misunderstanding between two neighbors."

"Bad Art Friend" - - It's appalling sad that a woman who was kind enough to donate a kidney to a total stranger "inspired" a soul-scorching short story about a female with a "white savior complex."

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Thank you Becky for all of your lively and informative content. I am a new poet, just 50. It is enlightening to hear your take on the age conundrum in lit mags and beyond.

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Thanks for sharing my query letter post here, Becky!

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1) Writer friends are saying FU to Twitter and leaving in droves. Substack and IG are the new cool kid combos. Forget about Twitter, unless you're not good at breaking bad habits (I'm not). 2) I am a Northern Spy in North Carolina. ;-) 3) You are the best, Becky.

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Honestly, poetry scams are just everywhere. I think there should be a sequel, how to tell a real publication from a scam one, lol

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I couldn’t find any info on Swerve magazine’s website about submissions, yet they have two issues for sale there. Mysterious!

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Fuckeroo, as my ex-boss Jane used to say. I will be in Philadelphia seeing the Author's Mother only 4 days after your event. But wait! But wait...you *live* in Philadelphia...Hmmm. Much as I whoop and holler when people I know or admire win them, awards are a racket, a great chance for brown-noses to brown-nose and for those who simply haven't done their homework to make a "safe" choice. Bah.

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There is no penetrating the cabal of the literary elite magazines.

Stephen M.

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