This was such a wonderful interview, Becky. I'm very glad I went! You do good work!!

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What a great interview. Deitz would take her place easily at the Alonquin table. She is an editor in the old-style, looking for substance and not just style, looking for "something better." Write it better. Then submit it to the Hudson Review. Brilliant. Thank you, Becky.

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Thank you for this! Also: I sort of love that they only take poetry submissions via snail mail.

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Thank you so much for doing this interview today, Becky. The Hudson Review is one of only four

periodicals to which I subscribe (the others are The New Yorker, The Atlantic, and Dapped Things). I wish I could pay for more, but I can't afford to.

A. E. Stallings and Dana Gioia are two of my top favorite living poets of all time, and both of them are in the latest edition of THR. I loved the long A. E. Stallings piece, and it was so lovely to hear the background about it in this video.

It is one of my dreams to have a poem of mine in THR. I don't have anything appropriate yet.

And, Becky, I just wanted to again thank you for everything you do. This LitMags is definitely a must read every time it appears in my inbox.

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Thank you for posting this. I look forward to reading the Stallings piece. THR wasn’t really on my radar before now, but I see a lot of its content is available online, so I will be spending some time there. Someday I might submit to them, but snail mail is a pain.

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Wonderful summary of a lively interview. Thanks!

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My experience with this "open to the writers" lit mag is to report it to Duotrope as "never responded" after 458 days. Duotrope statistics indicate 0 - zero - acceptances, so there's not a single Duotrope subscriber worthy of The Hudson Review. Meh.

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I listened this evening. I loved this interview. You do a great job! I was invigorated by her enthusiasm for The Hudson Review, her work, writing, and ideas.

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