I love Gone Lawn! “Self-Soothing is for the Birds” by Bethany Jarmul is one of my favorites. https://gonelawn.net/journal/issue55/Jarmul.php And thanks for the introduction to Does it Have Pockets! I can’t believe I’ve missed that one.
I learned about Does It Have Pockets? from the LitMagNews Q&A video I watched and submitted a piece there. They accepted it! So thanks, Becky, for including new and wacky journals in your programs as well as the venerable, prestigious ones.
Does It Have Pockets has been a very tough nut for me to crack. I love the vibe and what they publish.....and they have rejected every story I've sent them (all word counts/genres, about 20 stories total), I think there's only one more story that I've got ready written that I could try. Frustrating, but I'm stubborn, so.
I'm a reader for Hippocampus and DAMN that has really made me up my CNF/memoir writing game.
Erika, Thanks so much for mentioning this publication! I just read its essay "What's In A Name?" and its story of Judith made me cry. Of course, I have subscribed.
I'm so glad (not that you cried--but that you subscribed!). Be forewarned--they're adding new content so frequently that it can be difficult to keep up (I haven't read yesterday's kidlit-focused addition yet and there's already a new poetry installment....).
Thanks so much for your lovely words about my two pieces in Does It Have Pockets! You are so right about the thought and care the team puts in. It's been a fabulous experience.
I also like Does it Have Pockets—the editor there is very kind in communication--and I agree that KM Baysal’s flowery piece is wonderful. Gone Lawn is great, too (and Bethany Jarmul’s pieces are excellent wherever they are found!)
The most recent story I enjoyed was Analía Villagra’s “The Land, Unending.” It takes us through many years of a young woman’s life beginning in Argentina up through the US midwest in the 19th-early 20th centuries. I was completely captivated both in events and beautiful descriptions. It is in the current issue of Alaska Quarterly Review.
Our guest poster says: “Scrolling on my phone or pouring over words printed out feels like an escape,...” Well, Jessica if you are pouring things over you printouts, the ink will likely run if what you are pouring is liquid. Or maybe you are really *poring* over words but not sufficiently to spot the typo? Just a pedantic old geezer teasing you.
I love Gone Lawn! “Self-Soothing is for the Birds” by Bethany Jarmul is one of my favorites. https://gonelawn.net/journal/issue55/Jarmul.php And thanks for the introduction to Does it Have Pockets! I can’t believe I’ve missed that one.
I’ve also recently loved “My Daughter Asks Me to Write an Honest Poem” by Todd Dillard in The Ex-Puritan. https://ex-puritan.ca/my-daughter-asks-me-to-write-an-honest-poem-and-whats-new
I learned about Does It Have Pockets? from the LitMagNews Q&A video I watched and submitted a piece there. They accepted it! So thanks, Becky, for including new and wacky journals in your programs as well as the venerable, prestigious ones.
Does It Have Pockets has been a very tough nut for me to crack. I love the vibe and what they publish.....and they have rejected every story I've sent them (all word counts/genres, about 20 stories total), I think there's only one more story that I've got ready written that I could try. Frustrating, but I'm stubborn, so.
I'm a reader for Hippocampus and DAMN that has really made me up my CNF/memoir writing game.
Based right here on Substack, JUDITH magazine is one of my new favorites: https://judithmagazine.substack.com/.
Erika, Thanks so much for mentioning this publication! I just read its essay "What's In A Name?" and its story of Judith made me cry. Of course, I have subscribed.
I'm so glad (not that you cried--but that you subscribed!). Be forewarned--they're adding new content so frequently that it can be difficult to keep up (I haven't read yesterday's kidlit-focused addition yet and there's already a new poetry installment....).
Thanks for a great compilation. Especially for the link to the piece by Spencer Nitkey… excellent and haunting.
Thanks so much for your lovely words about my two pieces in Does It Have Pockets! You are so right about the thought and care the team puts in. It's been a fabulous experience.
I also like Does it Have Pockets—the editor there is very kind in communication--and I agree that KM Baysal’s flowery piece is wonderful. Gone Lawn is great, too (and Bethany Jarmul’s pieces are excellent wherever they are found!)
Another lovely from Hippocampus: https://hippocampusmagazine.com/2024/11/help-wanted-pre-emptive-griever-by-casey-mulligan-walsh/
I loved "Analysis of a Fugue," a story by Annabel Li that recently appeared here:https://www.craftliterary.com/2024/04/12/analysis-of-a-fugue-annabel-li/#
It's elegant and inventive hermit crab flash fiction that has real heart and subtlety.
The most recent story I enjoyed was Analía Villagra’s “The Land, Unending.” It takes us through many years of a young woman’s life beginning in Argentina up through the US midwest in the 19th-early 20th centuries. I was completely captivated both in events and beautiful descriptions. It is in the current issue of Alaska Quarterly Review.
I forgot to mention that AQR posts readings on YouTube.
I've become a big fan of 'Under the Gum" tree after picking up a sample copy at last year's AWP. The writing is compelling, and the art is gorgeous!
Our guest poster says: “Scrolling on my phone or pouring over words printed out feels like an escape,...” Well, Jessica if you are pouring things over you printouts, the ink will likely run if what you are pouring is liquid. Or maybe you are really *poring* over words but not sufficiently to spot the typo? Just a pedantic old geezer teasing you.
I've corrected the typo! Thanks, Tony, for poring over the article so carefully and for pouring your efforts into this commentary!
Yikes! Well, I'm cringing at my mistake... but at the same time I take comfort in knowing my words are being so well-read.