That response to submissions may be one of the best things I've ever read 😄

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i feel like a secondary school teacher:

very refreshing

extra good marks for analysis of industry


I don't like maybe all the forms he likes, but i especially like his attitude

terrific rejection letter

so many things to like here check plus

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I'm keeping these gems by my side because they nail so much of what's wrong with the writing 'industry'.

"I like to emphasize what people are good at rather than be prohibitive and negative with my criticism. That’s what MFAs are for, they’re all about telling you what not to do, and that’s why so much of the work that comes out of them is quite soulless."

"A lot of editors bitch and moan about receiving the material they actively solicit, which is emblematic of the privilege and narcissism that pervades literary culture."

"Literary organizations propagate the myth that they adhere to impersonal standards, when in fact, they’re social beings who respond to status and personal favor. Let’s be honest about it."

"Mutual admiration is a way more powerful force than petty niggles, selfish insecurities and backhanded compliments. If you like or admire somebody’s work, be open and full-throated in your support, because in a world of diminishing resources, one thing we have an endless supply of is respect. Just make sure the people you give it to deserve it, and see how your life improves when you stop rationing your praise."

Lev Parker, you are a legend in your own lunchbox. !

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